Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Supporting U.S. Businesses

As a Manufacturer of Store Fixtures we are constantly trying to utilize businesses within the United States.  Although many of our competitors have chosen to outsource business overseas, WE have held true to our word of Supporting U.S. business whenever feasible.
In addition to supporting businesses within the United States we are doing our part to Keep Jobs in America, and supporting Our Economy.  If everyone would take the same steps as Interior WooDesigns to support U.S. Businesses, we could put many people back to work, and would be less dependent on Imports from other nations.
It is time for Americans to realize the impact that our dependency of other countries is having on U.S. Businesses.  If we choose to "Cherry Pick" products for the lowest price, which often comes from Japan, China, Korea, Philippines, and other nations where the cost of manufacturing is significantly less than America due to labor figures, WE WILL continue to deplete U.S. jobs, increase our nations debt, and have no quick way to fix our economy.  In addition, when the quantity of the product you desire is not available and you are waiting on products from overseas, you can expect to wait a minimum of 6-8 weeks for arrival, whereas the lag time between order and delivery of product on U.S. soil is significantly less.  Point being that although your initial cost may appear slightly higher to support a U.S. business, if you are required to wait on an item from overseas to complete an order, it would likely outweigh the cost to do business within the U.S.  "Time is Money", is a term we forget when we are at the store, but a term businesses are all too familiar with.
Companies that are reliant on sources from overseas, in order to have enough inventory of that particular item, must store enough excess to account for the "Lag Time", and storage comes at a cost which can be directly reflected in the cost of the end product.  IF, your end product was completely manufactured or made in the U.S., it would allow businesses to inventory less supply material, with the understanding that it can quickly be replenished when it runs short, whereas the overseas lag time could be lengthy.  As a result, many of the U.S. manufacturers would be able to pass the saving on to customers and be more competitive in the global marketplace.
No matter what the end product is, we can all rest assure if it was assembled or manufactured in the U.S. but required any supply item from overseas that the cost to the end customer is higher than if it was completely manufactured in the United States by U.S. Goods and Services.
Although the cost per item may be slightly higher than current figures, U.S. Businesses would be booming, people would be employed and spending money, and our economy would be re nourished, and the cost increase per item would be such a small fraction that it wouldn't be a concern to most Americans. 
Supporting U.S. Businesses is crucial to our Nations Long Term Future.  Having exported many jobs overseas and wondering "Why" our economy has fallen in a deep recession, I would ask each and every one of you reading this to, take a step back and think "Are you doing YOUR part to support U.S. businesses?"  It is time we as Americans reevaluate and look to the future of America and help support our nation before it is too late.  The founding fathers of this great nation would be ashamed that many of us are supporting other nations, at the farewell of our own nation that they fought for.
Let’s all do our part to Fight for Our Nation and Support U.S. Businesses and Our Economy, and things are bound to get better.     

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